wallace residence  •   1079 shenandoah dR


The Wallace Residence is a home based on the architecture of the Phoenix Arizona Encanto-Palmcroft neighborhood of the 1920-40’s.   The home features an entry, great room arched windows, clerestory and materials inspired by the architecture of era.  Set on a hilltop southwest of Durango, the home also features incredible views in all directions.  Inside, the main great room area is the core of the home with a large central space with high ceiling and arched patio doors facing the outside patio and views to New Mexico.  There is a large master suite area off the great room.  The kitchen features large areas of counter space, a wine storage room, pantry and a fire brick oven.  The garage is spacious and has plenty of storage.

NEW spanish colonial revival HOME


summit custom homes

year built:                        

Under CoNstRucTIOn

floor area:                       2,607 sf

Garage                                   994 SF